Monday, October 19, 2009

Microblogging and Professional Development

After reading Can We Use Twitter for Educational Activities and watching Better Learning with ICT - Online Communities in the Classroom, I think that microblogging could be used in a few ways for professional development. It can:

1. Increase access to and number of resources available - resources can increase the breadth of materials used and so keep classes fresh and allow the teacher to employ different styles and types of learning to accommodate a wider range of students. An increased number of resources also makes the teacher’s life easier because the teacher doesn’t always have to generate materials.

2. Increase number of peers - peers are important for bouncing ideas off of. Peers allow the teacher to feel more confident before attempting a lesson because the lesson will have been validated already. Peers have the potential to offer a critical twist to a lesson that may make it successful, or they may present an idea that opens the door for a teacher to discover his own ideas.

3. Create a space for conferencing: twittering could be good as a space for many people to discuss ideas from great distances simultaneously.

4. Stay up to date: another benefit of increasing peers and resources is that a teacher can stay current on new ideas and trends. He or she can stay on top of theory and news in the teaching world.

1 comment:

  1. Jason,
    You have posted a good review of uses for Twitter. Its use really depends on who one follows!
    Dr. Burgos
