Monday, September 21, 2009

The Growth of Global Communication and Educational Effects

This video, entitled Did You Know, was quite eye opening and mind boggling. I think I'd begun to realize already that the Internet and high tech communications were still in their infancy in the year 2009, but this video shows us that they are maturing at an exponential pace and that the potential is a great unknown.

The video puts the onus of preparing people for these changes on schools and teachers. Preparation is so important because if a person does not have a skill set to work in the forthcoming environment he will be left behind.

I believe it will also be the responsibility of schools to take advantage of the possibilities. With so many resources available instruction will be able to take an unlimited number of forms and harnessing the potential will be difficult but exciting.

I don't know if the video was implying that technology was a cause for some of the other developments in the world such as English becoming a common language or increased educational opportunities in some countries. I do think, however, that these linguistic and knowledge shifts are notable because it is cause to teach more tolerance to students as they will be dealing more readily with a great diversity of people.

I also think that educating students in learning strategies or exploration strategies will become important because it will be impossible to teach all of the knowledge. It may be the primary job of schools in the future to show students how to become independent researchers and thinkers in the technological realm so that they will be able to keep up beyond their school years.

1 comment:

  1. Two of your ideas really stood out for me. The idea that it is our responsibility as teachers to prepare our students for our new digital world and that this digital world will also make tolerance and understanding of different perspectives so important in the new "flatter" world.
    Dr. Burgos
