Saturday, September 26, 2009

EFL Classroom 2.0

I joined the social network EFL Classroom 2.0 via the networking site Ning. It seemed like it was one of the largest and most active groups on the topic of English language teaching on Ning. It has a lot of resources that would be helpful in the classroom. There is a dicussion forum, links to members blogs, a space for video conferencing, and a link to helpful sofware. There are also a great many resources for the classroom such as lesson plans, games, and downloadable videos, songs, and books for teaching.

I think the greatest use for a site such as this is that it generates ideas. Sometimes a teacher is unhappy with his lesson plans or cannot even get started, and it is good to have a place to go for ideas. Other times a teacher is tired of the same old lessons or the same formats and needs to spice things up. ESL Classroom 2.0 has a wealth of information and offers opportunities to gain many insights.

1 comment:

  1. Jason,
    That certainly sounds like a good Ning to belong to.
    Dr. Burgos
